Demonstration “Down with the Paragraph 129a&b!”

This call is also available in German



🕒3:00-5:00 p.m

📍Federal Ministry of Justice Berlin (Mohrenstraße)

We call on all leftists, socialists, democrats and anti-fascists to take part in the rally against Nazi Paragraph 129 and to give a voice to Eda Haydaroglu’s hunger strike! Eda Deniz Haydaroglu has been on an indefinite hunger strike against paragraphs 129a/b Stgb and for the freedom of anti-fascist and revolutionary prisoners in Germany and worldwide since March 18th, 2023 (55 days today). The resistance is a barricade against state repression!  HOLD THE BANNER OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY!

Programm „Hungerstreik für Gerechtigkeit“ / “Hungerstrike for Justice” Program

Weitere Informationen zum andauernden Hungerstreik von Eda Deniz Haydaroglu in Berlin gegen Anti-Terror-Gesetze und willkürliche Festnahmen von Revolutionären finden Sie auf Deutsch ( detaillierter, zusätzliche Informationen), Englisch, Italienisch und Griechisch. Flyer zum Widerstand finden Sie hier.

Weitere Informationen und die Geschichte des Anti-Terror-Gesetzes §129 in Deutschland finden Sie auf Englisch (erster Teil & zweiter Teil) und Deutsch.

Die nackte Wahrheit über die unmenschlichen Isolationsbedingungen in Deutschland ist im Brief der politischen Gefangenen Özgül Emre auf Englisch und auf Deutsch nachzulesen.

Mehrere antifaschistische, antiimperialistische Gruppen gründen das Bündnis „Weg mit dem Paragraphen 129“, unsere Erklärung ist auf Englisch und Deutsch zu lesen. Programm:

More information about the ongoing hungerstrike of Eda Deniz Haydaroglu in Berlin against anti-terror laws and arbitrary detentions of revolutionaries, can be found in German ( detaillierter, zusätzliche Informationen), Italian and Greek. Flyer for the resistance can be found here.

More information and history of the anti-terror laws §129 in Germany, can be found in English(first part & second part) and German.

The naked truth about the inhumane conditions of isolation in Germany can be read in the letter of political prisoner Özgül Emre in English and in German.

Several anti-fascist, anti-imperialist groups found the Alliance “Weg mit dem Paragraphen 129”, our statement can be read in English and German.


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Eda Deniz Haydaroglu is in indefinite hunger strike for justice since 18.03.2023!

This article is also available in German, Italian and Greek


On May 16th last year, the anti-fascists Özgül Emre, Serkan Küpeli and Ihsan Cibelik, member of the music band Grup Yorum, were arrested. This year, anti-fascist Hasan Unutan, father of three, was also arrested.
All four were arrested on the basis of paragraph 129b of the German Penal Code (StGB) and have since been in pre-trial detention in various prisons in Germany, awaiting their trial for almost a year now, which they do not even know what it will involve because no indictment has been sent to date.
Since there are many injustices around the arrests and the trial, which we as the Committee “Away with Paragraph 129” have drawn attention to in various ways, we are taking our fight against these injustices to a new level. That is why Eda Deniz Haydaroglu is on an indefinite hunger strike. With the demands of the hunger strike, we want to draw attention to these injustices and call on the authorities to heed these demands.

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Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee Bulletin No. 12 – We Share the Hunger, We Share the Resistance!

To grow the resistance, we as Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee, were in 4 day hunger strike to be in solidarity with Eda Deniz Haydaroglu.

On 18th of March, the Day of Political Prisoners, Eda Deniz Haydaroglu, a member of Revolutionary Youth Europe, started her indefinite hungerstrike. The utmost demand is the end of pre-trial detention (which has lasted nearly a year) of Özgül Emre, Ihsan Cibelik, Serkan Küpeli and Hasan Unutan. There is no judicial ground to legitimatize such a misuse of law, German State wants to punish revolutionaries and their friends without having to deal with judicial functions of a bourgeoise government. But the other five demands are also extremely important; they cover almost every aspect of the legal farce we are currently experiencing;

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Call for a Demonstration against Police Repression

Demonstration Against Police Terror in Berlin

Thursday, 13. April, 19:00
Corner between Rollbergstraße and Hans-Schiftan-Straße in 12053 Berlin

In light of the latest incident of police repression against a comrade, we had to ask ourselves “is this simply racism or hunting down leftists”? Therefore, we decided to take matters into our own hands and protest in front of the police station against this repression – which affects us all.

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Indefinite Hunger Strike Against §129!

European Dev-Genç (Revolutionary Youth) member Eda Deniz Haydaroğlu, who lives in Germany, announced that she will start an indefinite hunger strike resistance to expose the lawlessness and injustice of German imperialism and to increase the struggle against the 129b law.

She shared a video in which she explains the reasons for her hunger strike resistance that she will start on March 18th, ‘International Day of Freedom for Political Prisoners’, with utmost demand of Özgül Emre, İhsan Cibelik, Serkan Küpeli and Hasan Unutan should be tried without pre-trial detention!

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Freedom for Hasan Unutan! Demonstration against the §129b Arrest

On the 9th of February 2023 Hasan Unutan got arrested by the German imperialist state under the paragraph 129b of the criminal law. Hasan Unutan is originally from Turkey, but he moved to Germany in 2002. He is a worker and a father of three children. He is politically active in the anti-imperialist left movement and a member of the solidarity committee for the music band Grup Yorum, which is politically persecuted in Turkey and in Germany.

We call all organizations, groups and individuals who are against the arbitrary detentions and imprisonment related to §129 cases to attend the demonstration(Kudgebung) on 20th of February in Kottbusser Tor at 18:00. It will be in the square where the statue for the murdered communist Celalettin Kesim. (Kottbusser Tor/Ecke Reichenbergstr.)

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Statement of Alliance Against Naziparagraph 129: Accept the Demands of Alfredo Cospito! Destroy the Isolation!

The imprisoned anarchist militant Alfredo Cospito is on hunger strike since 20th of October 2022, resisting in Italian jails against the isolation regime 41 bis. We are in full solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and principally against all solitary confinement and isolation methods.

The 41 bis is a special detention regime in Italy, also known in Italian as “carcere duro” (hard prison regime) and is defined by the Article 41 bis of the Prison Administration Act. Even though it acquired its final denomination only in 1986, the 41 bis derives from the Article 1 of Law Nr. 354, issued in 1975. During this period, the class struggle had intensified in Italy. From militant left groups to autonomous factory workers, people of Italy were rising the struggle for freedom with the wave of anti-imperialism that was sweeping all the world. It is during this times that the prison system was radically reformed: the institution started thinking itself as something that can, at any moment, suspend its own rules, thanks to the intervention of the executive power. The state wanted this change in order to subjugate the revolutionary will that now fills the prisons, and wanted to crush possible prison revolts even before they started.

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Long March under the slogan “Away with the paragraph 129!”.

This call is also Available in German, Turkish

First events of the Long March will be in Berlin. On 27th of January 2023 at 19:00 in Zielona Góra (Grünbergerstr. 73, 10245 Berlin), there will be an info event. On 28th of January 2023 at 15:00, there will be a demonstration in Oranienplatz.

The Paragraph 129 of the Criminal Code (StGB) of Germany has a 200-year history. Throughout the time, the name changed, but the content always remained the same: Whoever opposes the status quo, is punished for it. Under the name § 129 with its appendages a and b, it is the most recent form in the history of state persecution of freedom of speech in Germany.

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