Freedom for Academician Nuriye Gülmen!

“We should be the ones who stare at the light, and to show the light to others. If we can not do anything, at least we should be a candle.”

Nuriye Gülmen was a research assistant at Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey. She is just one of the 7,915 university lecturers/workers who were fired from their jobs overnight by a decree-law issued under the state of emergency declared on 21 July 2016 by the fascist AKP government.

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Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee Bulletin No. 11 – Free Özgül Emre, İhsan Cibelik and Serkan Küpeli!

This text is also available in Turkish and German

On 16th of May 2022,  Revolutionary Journalist Özgül Emre was abducted by German police in Mannheim on daylight. Next day, police raided the house of İhsan Cibelik, a member of the revolutionary music band Grup Yorum. He was forcibly detained resulting in bruises and abrasions on his body. Both of them are taken to respective courts and in a fraction of second these courts decided on the arrest of them. Özgül Emre was taken to JVA Rohrbach prison and İhsan Cibelik was taken to JVA Köln-Ossendorf. Today another anti-fascist, Serkan Küpeli, was detained in Hamburg. Continue reading “Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee Bulletin No. 11 – Free Özgül Emre, İhsan Cibelik and Serkan Küpeli!”

Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee Bulletin No. 10 – Repression of Nakba Day in Berlin

This text is also available in Turkish


On the 74th anniversary of Nakba (Disaster/Catastrophe) day, Palestinians all over the World demanded justice against Zionist regime and its imperialist collaborators. Also in Berlin, every year, this day is commemorated by thousands, and people from all nationalities show their solidarity with the Palestinian people and resistance against colonialism and imperialism.

But this year there was a catch; the police in Berlin banned all public commemorations of Nakba. This blatant attack on the freedom of speech and assembly came with an unprecedented insult to Palestinian identity itself; all of the public display of Palestinian flags and symbols like Keffiyeh were banned! This unacceptable and racist policies have to be challenged.

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[EN] Interview with Birsen Kars, December 2002

This text is also available in Greek

Beauty is about the one who gazes at you. It is a byproduct of the gaze, as the gaze is the product of an idea. One’s ideas form their gaze and their gaze develops their understanding of beauty. I will always be beautiful for the ones who are like me, and I will stay beautiful forever. I will be beautiful to my own eyes, as I know why I acted in a certain way and I have been facing the consequences.

Fascism tried to destroy us together with our ideas. They burned us alive. Our comrades saved us, it is their sacrifice that kept us alive. We promised to ourselves “we will give our lives”, and I gave some parts of my body. Everything develops according to the nature of the war. I will adapt myself to conditions of the war so that I can be victorious in this battle. This is the only reality for me.”- Birsen Kars

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[EN] We are Calling for Your Support to Our Campaign for the Freedom of Sick Prisoner Ali Osman Köse from the Prison of Fascism!

This text is also available in German and Greek

Ali Osman Köse is a 65 years old socialist revolutionary with a severe case of cancer. He has been in prison for the last 38 years in Turkey and has been held in the solitary confinement conditions for the last 21 years. The cancer was diagnosed too late, as a result of the imprisonment conditions. Even if the cancerous kidney was removed, he has many other health problems. Also, it is not known if the cancer has a metastatic spread as the Forensic Medicine Institute didn’t yet give an approval for a PET filming. According to the article 16 of the Turkish Execution Law, he should be released for immediate treatment. However, authorities do not apply the rule of law, stripping away his right to live. The reason is obvious: Ali Osman Köse never bowed his head down to fascism and never renounced his political views. He is a strong representative of the tradition of the uncompromising ‘free prisoners’.

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Palestine in 20 Questions



1) What is meant by “Palestine Problem”?

To put out simply; imperialism and Zionism stole the 90% land mass of Palestine and forced 4 million Palestinians to live in exile, away from their own country. Rest of the Palestinian people are forced to live only in the 6% of their land under heavy conditions of embargo and siege, stripped away totally from their national sovereignty and freedom in the conditions of slavery. This is what is meant by “Palestinian problem”.

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Freedom to Ali Osman Köse, Freedom to Sick Prisoners!


Our client Ali Osman Köse is in prison for the last 37 years and is battling cancer caused by solitary confinement conditions. Cancer tissue first occurred in his kidney. But as of today probably, it spread all over to the adrenal glands, spleen, and pancreas. Tumor removal surgery is very critical at this point for the continuity of his life.

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