To grow the resistance, we as Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee, were in 4 day hunger strike to be in solidarity with Eda Deniz Haydaroglu.
On 18th of March, the Day of Political Prisoners, Eda Deniz Haydaroglu, a member of Revolutionary Youth Europe, started her indefinite hungerstrike. The utmost demand is the end of pre-trial detention (which has lasted nearly a year) of Özgül Emre, Ihsan Cibelik, Serkan Küpeli and Hasan Unutan. There is no judicial ground to legitimatize such a misuse of law, German State wants to punish revolutionaries and their friends without having to deal with judicial functions of a bourgeoise government. But the other five demands are also extremely important; they cover almost every aspect of the legal farce we are currently experiencing;