Morgue X / Film Screening and Discussion

Wednesday 02.04 @ Rigaer94 20:00 Küfa / 20:30 Film starts

Morgue X is the third film in this series of screenings about prison and isolation. It is a 37-minute video essay based on a smuggled letter from prisoners in S,R,Y type prisons in Turkey. This series of screenings is part of an effort to raise awareness about the ongoing hunger strikes in prisons across Turkey against this new type of isolation regime. The names and addresses of the 10 prisoners currently on hunger strike can be found at the end of the call.

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Prisoner Info Café: On the 90th birthday of Ulrike Meinhof

Berlin, October 14, 2024  at  7 p.m. , Info- & Stadtteilladen Lunte, Weisestr. 53

The event will begin with two short thematic film clips. Our guest speaker from the Freedom for all Political Prisoners Network in Hamburg will accompany you throughout the evening reporting on Ulrike’s historical and, above all, current significance for the global struggles. The content will also include contributions from some of those who fought alongside Ulrike. Ariane from the “Solidarity with Daniela” group will speak about the ongoing proceedings against Daniela Klette. She will also talk about the repression against the solidarity movement that has continued since the counter-revolution, despite the dissolution of the RAF in 1998.

The café welcomes you from 5 p.m. (the event starts at 7 p.m.)! Writing material and addresses of prisoners will be available on site. We look forward to your visit!

More information in German:


Book Presentation [DE] and Documentary Screening [IT/EN] about Ayten Öztürk

Book presentation: “Resistance and Victory in the Secret Torture Centers of Fascism” by Ayten Öztürk with film screening “Ayten’s Revolution”

Berlin, 9. September um 19 Uhr , Info- & Stadtteilladen Lunte, Weisestr. 53

The book “Resistance and Victory in the Secret Torture Centers of Fascism” by Ayten Öztürk was first published in August 2022. At that time, Ayten was under house arrest in Istanbul, after being imprisoned for 3.5 years following her time in a secret torture prison in 2018. On February 6, 2024, she was re-arrested in a large-scale raid against the left-wing movement in Istanbul. Today, she is imprisoned in Kandıra Prison (Kocaeli, Turkey).

In her novel, Ayten impressively describes how she withstood 6 months of torture, the internal and external struggles she faced, and the methods of her revolutionary consciousness that allowed her to survive.

A German-language version is now available and it will be presented. An activist from the “Solidarity Committee for Ayten Öztürk” is invited, the short film “Ayten’s Revolution” by Eliana Riva (documentary, 33 minutes, Italian with English subtitles) will be screened.

More information in German:

International Symposium in Berlin

This call is also available in German, Italian and Russian

Let’s stand up for our hard-won fundamental and democratic rights.

Away with paragraph 129 penal code. It affects us all!

The traditional symposium will take place again this year.

This year we would like to focus our attention especially on the anti-terror laws, which grant far-reaching rights to imperialist and fascist states and hand people over to the arbitrariness of the state.


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Call for solidarity for 200 days hunger strike!

This call also exists in German


“Eda, Ilgin and Sevil are fighting for all antifascists today! They are starving for us! Because paragraph 129 StGB affects us all!”
-Committee Away with Paragraph 129

Eda Haydaroglu started an indefinite hunger strike in front of the Federal Ministry of Justice in Berlin on 18.03.2023.

Ilgin Güler and Sevil Sevimli Güler from France, have also joined the hunger strike ,two months after Eda started, with the same demands.

Continue reading “Call for solidarity for 200 days hunger strike!”

Isolation Is Torture – Call for Open Assembly

The development of prisons, imprisonment methods and isolation has been taken very seriously by all Imperialist states, in order to contain and with final goal to eliminate any revolutionary will. The rights in prison do not exist. Whatever crumbs are given there, are linked to a reward-punishment system. The only authentic rights we all could have in and out of prisons, are gained through the struggle of the people that chose to resist and not negotiate with that abusive system.

Alfredo Cospito’s struggle against the isolation regime 41bis in Italy is a very recent example of such a courageous resistance.  At the same moment, here in our city, in Berlin, the resistance of Eda Deniz Haydaroglu against the anti-terror laws §§129 a&b of the German Penal Code is going further. She is in indefinite hunger strike since 18.03.2023, against §§129 a&b, demanding freedom of anti-fascist and revolutionary prisoners in Germany . Now, together with her, Ilgın Güler started an indefinite hunger strike on 08.05.2023, and Sevil Sevimli Güler started also an indefinite hunger strike on 13.05.2023.

We would like to call for an open assembly on 23rd of May, at 19:00, at New York in Bethanien  to discuss in a collective manner the aftermath of Alfredo’s resistance. In terms of resistance or struggle, we tend to measure everything in a binary way between winning and losing in terms of the objectives set. We understand that this model of thinking is shaped by capitalism, preventing us from seeing the whole path and experience of long-term struggles. We want to sit down and talk about our praxis and the way we organise ourselves in solidarity with different individuals or collectives struggling from inside the prisons and share our thoughts and feelings about the 6 months of Alfredo Cospito’s hunger strike and how it was experienced here in Berlin.  Together with that, we would like to think about ways that we could take an active part in the struggle, support and grow the ongoing resistance in our city against the §§129 a&b, giving voice to Eda, Ilgın and Sevil.

The resistance is a barricade against state repression!


Day:  23.05.2023
Time:  19:00
Location: New Yorck im Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2A, 10997 Berlin


Demonstration “Down with the Paragraph 129a&b!”

This call is also available in German



🕒3:00-5:00 p.m

📍Federal Ministry of Justice Berlin (Mohrenstraße)

We call on all leftists, socialists, democrats and anti-fascists to take part in the rally against Nazi Paragraph 129 and to give a voice to Eda Haydaroglu’s hunger strike! Eda Deniz Haydaroglu has been on an indefinite hunger strike against paragraphs 129a/b Stgb and for the freedom of anti-fascist and revolutionary prisoners in Germany and worldwide since March 18th, 2023 (55 days today). The resistance is a barricade against state repression!  HOLD THE BANNER OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY!

Programm „Hungerstreik für Gerechtigkeit“ / “Hungerstrike for Justice” Program

Weitere Informationen zum andauernden Hungerstreik von Eda Deniz Haydaroglu in Berlin gegen Anti-Terror-Gesetze und willkürliche Festnahmen von Revolutionären finden Sie auf Deutsch ( detaillierter, zusätzliche Informationen), Englisch, Italienisch und Griechisch. Flyer zum Widerstand finden Sie hier.

Weitere Informationen und die Geschichte des Anti-Terror-Gesetzes §129 in Deutschland finden Sie auf Englisch (erster Teil & zweiter Teil) und Deutsch.

Die nackte Wahrheit über die unmenschlichen Isolationsbedingungen in Deutschland ist im Brief der politischen Gefangenen Özgül Emre auf Englisch und auf Deutsch nachzulesen.

Mehrere antifaschistische, antiimperialistische Gruppen gründen das Bündnis „Weg mit dem Paragraphen 129“, unsere Erklärung ist auf Englisch und Deutsch zu lesen. Programm:

More information about the ongoing hungerstrike of Eda Deniz Haydaroglu in Berlin against anti-terror laws and arbitrary detentions of revolutionaries, can be found in German ( detaillierter, zusätzliche Informationen), Italian and Greek. Flyer for the resistance can be found here.

More information and history of the anti-terror laws §129 in Germany, can be found in English(first part & second part) and German.

The naked truth about the inhumane conditions of isolation in Germany can be read in the letter of political prisoner Özgül Emre in English and in German.

Several anti-fascist, anti-imperialist groups found the Alliance “Weg mit dem Paragraphen 129”, our statement can be read in English and German.


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