Call for the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg (LLL) March in Berlin

This call is also available in Turkish

We, the Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee, call all our friends and our people to join the Lenin-Liebknecht-Luxemburg (LLL) March in Berlin every second week of January. We will commemorate Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, the leaders of the German working class who were murdered by the reactionary Freikorps troops under the direction of the Social Democrats who betrayed socialism during the Weimar Republic, and Lenin, the leader of the global working class, who passed away on January 21, 1924. Today,  as the people are oppressed under imperialist wars and exploitation is increasing day by day, commemorating revolutionary leaders is also a call to the ranks of the struggle that will end exploitation and imperialist wars. We should make the demands of the resistance fighters and sick prisoners visible to everyone!

Solidarity Association of Prisoners’ Families (TAYAD) families and Revolutionary Youth (Dev-Genç) members who are recently abducted by the State are not alone!
Lift the house arrest of Ayten Öztürk!
Those who tortured Gülten Matur and Ayten Öztürk must be put on trial, torture centers must be closed!
Release sick prisoner Ali Osman Köse!
Death fast veteran Gökhan Yıldırım must be released and his treatment must not be prevented!
Revolutionary prisoners Ali Ercan Gökoğlu, Burak Ağarmış, Hasan Kaya, Sinan Çam, Şadi Naci Özpolat, Halil Demir, Anıl Sayar, Harika Kızılkaya, Hazal Seçer, Sinan O. Özen and İsmail Zat, who are imprisoned in Greece and on their 89th day of hunger strike, are not alone!
The hunger striking anarchist militants Thanos Chatziagleou and Alfredo Cospito are not alone!
The paragraph 129 and similar anti-terror laws must be abolished, Nazis must be tried, not revolutionaries! Özgül Emre, İhsan Cibelik and Serkan Küpeli must be released!
Revolutionary prisoners are not alone!

January 15, 2023, 10:00, Frankfurter Tor, Berlin.

Call for Solidarity Demonstration in Berlin against Hunger Strikes in Greek and Italian Prisons

This call is also in Turkish

We share the call made by our anarchist friends to join the demonstration on Sunday, January 8, at 17:00 at Kottbusser Tor for the 11 revolutionaries from Turkey and anarchist militants Thanos Chatziangelou and Alfredo Cospito, who are on hunger strike. We, the Anti-Imperialist Struggle Committee, will show our solidarity with the 11 revolutionaries from Turkey with a one-day hunger strike on 4th of January.

The Italian Imperialists and the collaborating Greek state are committing crimes! They are trying to murder revolutionaries and anarchist militants. Just as the German imperialists tried to murder Özgül Emre, just as the collaborating fascist Turkish state kidnapped death fast veteran Gökhan Yıldırım and tried to murder him, the Italian and Greek states are trying to do the same. For 22 years in Turkey, for decades in Europe, the imperialism tried to take over the most resistant vein of the peoples through isolation policies, but failed. Their order is decaying, they have no means left but force, it’s all over for them, they have neither a wall to lean on, nor a branch to hold on to. Tanks and weapons are useless, people who resist are above all else!

Our Statement on the Alliance “Weg mit dem Paragraphen 129”.

This text is also available in German

Paragraph 129 is the most recent form in the history of state persecution of freedom of speech in Germany. What began in 1822 as a “state protection law” and was directed against the bourgeois revolution in Germany, was later used against democrats and socialists who wanted to create publicity for the Paris revolution in 1871. In the 200 years of history, the name changed, but the content always remained the same: anyone who opposes the status quo will be punished for it. Paragraph 129 StGB was used massively in Nazi Germany between 1933-1945 and all regime critics, opposition members and resisters were charged under this paragraph. When Nazi Germany was defeated, West Germany reviewed the penal code in 1951 in the course of the so-called “denazification”. Paragraph 129 was also to be deleted from the code. But West Germany, where 80% of judges also served as judges in the Nazi regime, kept Paragraph 129 in the code to prevent “Nazis from gaining strength again.” However, in 71 years since that decision, Nazis have rarely been tried. Instead, mainly anti-fascists, democrats, and socialists are the ones, who have been tried.

Continue reading “Our Statement on the Alliance “Weg mit dem Paragraphen 129”.”

Letter from Özgül Emre

This article is also available in German

This letter was recently sent by Özgül Emre from Rohrbach Prison of Germany to her lawyer and translated from Turkish into English. Özgül is a revolutionary from Turkey who was arrested in Germany on 16th of May 2022 and is accused of being a member of a terrorist organisation. During the high point of revolutionary struggle of Turkey in 1990s, she worked as a journalist in Kurtuluş Magazine. As an exiled revolutionary in Germany, she worked in wide range of committees; from anti-drug committees to anti-racism committees. The attacks of German state didn’t stopped with this mafia like kidnapping. From the detention onward, they forced prison uniforms on Özgül Emre in Rohrbach prison. German state knows very well that Revolutionaries do NOT and NEVER wear prison uniforms. In 1984, 4 revolutionaries died as a result of hunger strike to oppose the introduction of prison uniforms in prisons of Turkey. Until this day, there is no prison uniforms thanks to 4 martyrs. Özgül Emre comes from this uncompromising tradition to keep up the identity, integrity and dignity of being a revolutionary. As the oppression to enforce prison uniforms is not enough, Rohrbach prison is tried to kill her with not supplying salt and sugar for the first 30 days of hunger strike. They only supplied one piece of sugar with tea every evening, which obviously is not enough. Without the supplements like salt and sugar in proper dose, it is very easy for a person die in hunger strike at any stage. Around the day 40, she got hospitalised and on 44th day of the hunger strike she won the struggle against the torturers and received her own clothes, luckily without any long term damage to her body. In this letter, she describes the torture methods of the prison authorities, who do not provide her with sanitary conditions and privacy.

“How are you doing? How are all our people? I am doing very well because of my determination of being righteous – despite the political and legal siege against me. The trial against me, as well as my imprisonment, are, from my point of view, unlawful and also contrary to the law. Although my place of residence is known and I had an appointment at a government office on the very day of my arrest, it was pretended that I could not be found, that I would never go to my apartment, and so I was kidnapped on the basis of lies in the street. The purpose was to make me look like the guilty. Because they could not have justified my arrest and pre-trial detention any other way. The trial against me could have taken place without pre-trial detention.

Continue reading “Letter from Özgül Emre”

Rally on 27.11.2022 – Freedom for All Anti-Fascist and Revolutionary Prisoners – Down with the Nazi paragraphs 129, 129a and 129b!

Rally – Freedom for All Anti-Fascist and Revolutionary Prisoners – Down with the Nazi paragraphs 129, 129a and 129b!
We will be in streets,  in front of Federal Ministry of Justice,
Anton-Wilhelm-Amo (Alte Mohren) str. 37, 10117 Berlin
27 November 2022, 13:00
This call is also available in German


Continue reading “Rally on 27.11.2022 – Freedom for All Anti-Fascist and Revolutionary Prisoners – Down with the Nazi paragraphs 129, 129a and 129b!”

DOWN WITH PARAGRAPH 129, 129A and 129B StGB! (Second Part)

This article is also available in German.

These examples alone show impressively that the persecution of democrats, socialists and communists continued seamlessly in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), but under democratic cover.

The persecution in the Nazi Reich was made more precise by the 1st Criminal Law Amendment Act in the FRG, so that a Gesinnungsparagraph [translator’s note: an attitude-based law, in contrast with the common act-based criminal law] was created, in which the objective investigation of punishable facts was increasingly pushed into the background. Between 1954 and 1962, at least 85 people were imprisoned for political reasons. Since then, there have always been political prisoners in Germany’s prisons. Today, a total of 20 political prisoners are in prison.

Continue reading “DOWN WITH PARAGRAPH 129, 129A and 129B StGB! (Second Part)”

Emir Karakum is on 96th day of Hunger Strike against Poor Treatment in Prison!

Emir Karakum, a revolutionary prisoner is on hunger strike for 96th day against poor treatment in prison. He has been imprisoned for 10 months on the false testimony of anonymous witnesses.  After his detention on December 3 2021, during İstanbul-based police raids, he was arrested at the Samsun Courthouse on December 6 2021 and was taken to the Samsun Type-T Prison. After starting a hunger strike there, he was transferred to the Bafra Type-T Prison. He was arrested for fighting for free, scientific and democratic education and for demanding justice. For 10 months he has been held in a solitary confinement cell in Bafra T Type prison. Every day he is subjected to psychological and physical violence by the prison guards. Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ says “there is no torture in prisons”, yet there is footage of Emir Karakum being tortured.

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DOWN WITH PARAGRAPH 129, 129A and 129B StGB! (First Part)

This article is also available in German.

On May 16, the anti-fascist Özgül Emre was arrested at the main train station in Heidelberg. The following evening, the two antifascists Serkan Küpeli and Ihsan Cibelik were also arrested in their apartments in Hamburg and Bochum. All of them are from Turkey. Ihsan Cibelik is known as one of the founding members of the revolutionary, anti-fascist music band Grup Yorum, which is one of the most popular political music groups in the world and regularly faces repression in Turkey as well as in Germany.

Continue reading “DOWN WITH PARAGRAPH 129, 129A and 129B StGB! (First Part)”

Rally on 01.07.2022 – Solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike – Down with the paragraphs 129, 129a and 129b!

Rally – Solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike – Away with the paragraphs 129, 129a and 129b!
We will be in streets, demanding justice for Özgül Emre in front of Federal Ministry of Justice
in front of the entrance Jerusalemer Straße 27, 10117 Berlin
near U-Bhf Stadtmitte/ Hausvogteiplatz
1 July 2022 19:00

Continue reading “Rally on 01.07.2022 – Solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike – Down with the paragraphs 129, 129a and 129b!”

Discussion Event: Long Live Our Death Fast Resistance!

This text is also available in Turkish and German

Yaşasın Ölüm Orucu Direnişimiz! (Long live our death fast resistance!)

Sunday, June 12 2022 at 4 pm, NewYorck at Bethanien

Discussion event: Death fast resistance as a means of political struggle “Our death fast resistance is the strongest form of expression of the struggle about independence and freedoms. And it will last…”

Sibel Balaç and Gökhan Yıldırım who are imprisoned in Turkish jails, have been on hunger strike since December 2021, which they have now converted into a death fast. Another revolutionary prisoner, Özgür Karakaya, has been on a hunger strike for 43 days against the usurpation of his right to bail. Özgül Emre, who is imprisoned in German jails, has been on indefinite hunger strike to protest the wearing of prison uniforms. In a hunger strike, one does not eat anything beside sugar and b12 supplements. In the case of death fast resistance, which means indefinite hunger strike, either the demands of one will be met, or the person will die from malnutrition. In political terms, death fast means: either justice or death!

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