Freiheit für Ali Osman Köse, Freiheit für die kranken Gefangenen!

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Our client Ali Osman Köse is in prison for the last 37 years and is battling cancer caused by solitary confinement conditions. Cancer tissue first occurred in his kidney. But as of today probably, it spread all over to the adrenal glands, spleen, and pancreas. Tumor removal surgery is very critical at this point for the continuity of his life.

Medical experts state that this type of tumor spread can only be possible in a period of 2 to 4 years. During this time, prison authorities transported Ali Osman Köse to several state hospitals, a medical school, and Forensic Medical Institution. Neither of these institutions detected the cancer tissue. Why? If he was examined properly only in one of these institutions, early detection could have given more time for the treatment. We should also note that this type of tumor can easily be detected even by hand.

It is not a random issue of negligence. It is a systematic unlawful killing procedure against the prisoners solidified with the case of Ali Osman Köse.

There are reports by prison authorities and medical staff of the prisons, stating that ‘Ali Osman Köse can stay in solitary confinement conditions alone, continuing his penalty.’ These reports do not reflect any scientific or medical expertise, contrary they are political statements.

Ali Osman Köse made a statement about the pain in his kidney caused by the torture in Institute for Forensic Medicine 3rd Specialization Chamber in 1994. His doctor replied with a cynical claim; ‘if you have a problem in the kidney, your skin color should be pale’. These doctors and medical staff in prison facilities are also responsible for the progress of his illness.

We made three independent demands to authorities. The first one was about Ali Osman Köse’s demands to be examined by the doctors of his choice. The second one was the request for release for the treatment. The last one was another request for release as he was infected with COVID-19. All of these demands were rejected! Authorities can easily hold the requests of gangs and mafias, yet when it comes to the sick prisoners, they turn to blind for a humanitarian treatment of them. Doctors can give reports for Alaattin Çakıcı to receive his favorite type of dinner service inside prison, yet they can also give reports about how Ali Osman Köse can stay alone in solitary confinement conditions. They also postpone the surgery, giving excuses about the alleged busyness of the surgical departments.

We didn’t yet received an answer from Constitutional Court about our request for release for the treatment.

With all of its’ organizations, State is responsible for the progress of Ali Osman Köse’s illness. Ali Osman Köse should be released and given treatment as fastest as possible.





In our country, there is a continuous line from violation of ‘right to access to medical care’ to ‘right to life’ for the prisoners.

The Ministry of Justice does not make any official statement about the exact number of sick prisoners.

Democratic mass organizations hold the account of sick prisoners from the data that they receive. Even though the real number is likely bigger, there are 1605 sick prisoners whom 604 of them are in critical condition.

From the unofficial accounts, 60 prisoners died in 2020. Prior Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ made statements about the number of deaths in prisons. 242 prisoners in 2009, 260 prisoners in 2010, 285 prisoners in 2011, 286 prisoners in 2012, 265 prisoners in 2013, 312 prisoners in 2014, 373 prisoners in 2015 died. According to this statement, we should expect more death from the one that was identified.

Sick prisoners are not allowed access to medical care. Prisoners with critical conditions have a right to ‘penalty pause’ according to article 16 of law No. 5275 but they are not allowed to use their right.

One of these prisoners is Ali Osman Köse. His demand to be treated outside of prison is rejected and his treatment inside the medical facilities of prison is not neglected.

Ali Osman Köse spends 37 years inside the prison system, of which 27 of them were a continuous penalty. He spends most of this time under heavy conditions of solitary confinement. These conditions deteriorate his health significantly.

He started a hunger strike to support the other hunger strikers Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal in July 2020. Despite his situation deteriorate rapidly during the hunger strike, prison authorities delayed transferring him to a hospital. During this time, he can not remember short-term memories and can not remember to take his drugs. To make matters worse, he has to use a wheelchair as he can not walk.

He got inspected in three different institutes; a Medical Faculty, a state hospital, and in Forensic Medical Institution. During these examinations, doctors observed a bulk around kidneys that can likely be cancer.

Despite this examination, Forensic Medical Institution did not mention this highly risk bulk in their report, dated 4 February 2021. The report states an additional approval for his accommodation in prison.

It takes until April for prison authorities to transfer him to a hospital for this bulk in the kidney. In further examinations, doctors found out that, the size of the bulk is 9 cm2. To make the comparison easy, his kidney is 12 cm2. Doctors also stated that this tumor can easily spread to other organs. But despite all of these reports, no one gave him a date related to pandemic conditions.

Ali Osman Köse still didn’t have an operation despite that we are coming to the end of May. Judiciary of Execution also rejected the demand of postponing the penalty, so that he could have received the treatment and surgery outside.

The state keeps the sick prisoners inside the prison until their conditions become too critical. Authorities only allow sick prisoners to die outside of prison and violets the ‘right to access to medical care’ for the people, who are under their protection.


Further parts are taken from newsolutionmag

On 26 May, Ali Osman Köse, finally was taken to the Thracian University Hospital in Edirne, near the border with Bulgaria and Greece. This came after months of protest actions in Turkey and Western European countries, which are part of a campaign launched by the People’s Front to demand the revolutionary’s release.

On the morning of 31 May, Ali Osman Köse underwent surgery to remove the tumor in his kidney. At 19:30 on the same day, it was reported that the operation was successful, and there was no danger to the revolutionary’s life. One of his kidneys had been completely removed and samples of his spleen and pancreas were taken for examination for pathology. After the operation, he was transferred to the intensive care unit of the hospital.

On 2 June, Ali Osman Köse was taken out of intensive care and transferred to a room in the political prisoners’ ward of the hospital. Although he had undergone an extremely serious operation, the fascist oligarchy had him handcuffed to his bed and gendarmes kept on duty in his room around the clock.

Today in the afternoon it was reported that Ali Osman Köse was taken out of the hospital to be transported to Tekirdag F-type isolation prison, even though his treatment is continuing. There are still actions going on around the Turkey and Europe for his release.